5 Reasons to Choose a Custom Piece of Jewelry
One of my Ready-made Pieces of Jewelry
Ready-made piece of jewelry:
One of my Ready-Made Pieces of jewelry is like wearing your favorite scripture.
All the words and symbols that have been transformed into wearable and shareable jewelry affirmations; reflect God’s promises to everyone.
They are beautiful and a precious reminder of whom God says He is and whom He created His children to be.
They are a message to everyone… “One size fits all”
Wearing one of these pieces of jewelry is encouraging and opens doors to share the Hope that is in you.
Choosing a Commissioned piece of jewelry is materializing a personal Word spoken to you.
We take what God has put in your heart and place it into your hand and round your neck.
A commission is a constant reminder: o Of your intimate relationship with God. o Of whom and how He has called You personally to partner with Him in His Kingdom here on earth. o That enables you to say yes to the right things and no to the things that distract from your mission.
Wearing one of these pieces of jewelry is encouraging and empowering as you ask? o Is what I am doing right now in alinement with God’s vision for my life?
Walking with God in alignment to your calling keeps you in position to receive and be poured out in Divine appointments where you will reflect the Kingdom of God and ultimately share the Hope that is in you.
What makes us a good fit?
Passion for God’s Word and desire to encourage His Children.
Passion to do Research and Development.
Experience: Independent Jewelry Entrepreneur since 2001
Personal connection and attention:
We will meet and get to know each other before you commit.